2016 High Point Novice Rider

The 2016 High Point Novice Rider standings are now posted. This list is in the new display format that will be used for most data in future. Those of you who have logged in to use the new Membership Directory will recognize it. Features of note are:

  • Data stays within the main website wrapper (header, menus, footer);
  • It is searchable…and lightening fast;
  • It is configurable (you can hide or reveal columns);
  • It is downloadable (print, copy, or save in several formats).

Thanks to Julie Phair for her help validating these results. It is the most difficult of all year end results to compile. If you believe we have overlooked someone, despite our best efforts, please email webmaster@octra.on.ca. I will be happy to work with you to resolve any discrepancies.

Season’s greetings.

2017 Lay-Judge Clinic

Dr. Sarah Tiller and Dr. Bri Henderson, Co-Chairs of the OCTRA Veterinary Committee, are planning a Lay-Judge Clinic to take place late winter/early spring, 2017. There has not been a Lay-Judge clinic for quite a long time. Details are pending but the location could be in the Caledon, Ontario region. Interested candidates should e-mail Dr. Sarah Tiller [ sarahtiller@live.com ] directly for inquiries.

Planning has begun but an idea of who/how many might be interested will help before finalizing the date and location. This is an excellent learning opportunity for both riders and volunteers.

Lopin’ Larose

Ride results are up for 2016 Lopin’ Larose. Points are also updated. Check your results and your year end standings for errors. If you find any issues, contact the Ride Manager, Christina Young, Youngdalefarms@live.com.

2016-10-16 Lopin’ Larose Open Competitive Trail Ride 43 Km/27 Miles
2016-10-16 Lopin’ Larose Endurance 80 Km/50 Miles
2016-10-16 Lopin’ Larose Novice Competitive Trail Ride 43 Km/27 Miles


Some Passwords Not Working

Following an upgrade to a series of plugins, some account passwords may not work. Rest assured, your account is still there. Here is what to do if you get the following dreaded message:
[ac-box color=”lred”]
ERROR: The password you entered for the username Major-Domo is incorrect. Lost your password?

  1. Click on “Lost your password?”
  2. Scroll down and fill out the Forgotten Password form. Enter your username or email address. Don’t forget to click “I’m not a robot”.
  3. When ready click “Get New Password”.
  4. Check your email for a link allowing you to reset your password.
  5. Click the link and enter your new password. The system recommends a random one. You can use it or replace it with one of your own choosing.

If you find yourself redirected to the Dashboard “Your Profile” page instead of the Home Page simply click on the extreme upper left corner where it says “Ontario Competitive Trail Riding Association”.


Typo or error? Email webmaster
© Ontario Competitive Trail Riding Association 2025