Bibliography of Long Distance Riding

Bibliography of Long Distance Riding

compiled by Deanna Ramsay

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Bumgarner, Karen Paulo. Endurance Horse Daily Planner. Horse Daily Planner Publications: 1999. Ringbound. 208 pages.

Clayton, Hilary M. Conditioning Sport Horses. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan: Sport Horse Publications, 1991. 271 pages.

Drummond, Marcy. Long Distance Riding. New York: Howell Book House, 1987. 141 pages.

Hart, Courtney. Winning Strategies for Endurance Horse Racing. Weed, CA. Endurance Libraries. 279 pages.

Hodgson, David R and R.J. Rose (Edited by) The Athletic Horse: Principles and Practice of Equine Sports Medicine. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1994. xii, 497 pages.

Hourdebaigt, Jean-Pierre. Equine Massage: A Practical Guide John Wiley &amp Sons Canada, Ltd., 1997. 224 pages.

Humphrey, Laney. Choosing a Saddle for Endurance and Long Distance Riding. Carmel Valley, CA: Filaree Press.

Hyland, Ann. The Endurance Horse: A World Survey from Ancient Civilizations to Modern Competition. London: J.A. Allen &amp Co., 1988.

Hyland, Ann. Beginner’s Guide to Endurance Riding. London: Pelham, 1975. 128 pages.

Hyland, Ann. Endurance Riding. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1975. 159 pages.

Hyland, Ann. Riding Long Distance [Allen Rider Guides] London: J.A. Allen, 1989. 104 pages.

Ingram, Patricia and Lew Hollander. Endurance Riding from Beginning to Winning. There have been a number of editions of this title. It’s currently available on Lew Hollander’s website at .

Ingram, Patricia and Lew Hollander. Successful Endurance Riding. Brattleboro, VT: Stephen Greene Press, 1981. 191 pages.

Johnson, Virginia Weisel and Thula Johnson. Distance Riding: From Start to Finish. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1976. 187 pages.

Kydd, Rachael. Long Distance Riding Explained: A Horseman’s Handbook. London: Ward, Lock, Limited, 1979. 96 pages. Part of the &quot Horseman’s Handbooks&quot series. Appendices give results of the Tevis (USA), the Tom Quilty Endurance 100 Mile Ride (Australia), the South African National Endurance Ride, and the Arab Horse Society Marathon Race (Great Britain) up to 1978. A glossary gives a list of terms specific to the US, Australia, and Great Britain.

Loving, Nancy S. Go the Distance: The Complete Resource for Endurance Horses. North Pomfret, VT: Trafalgar Square, 1997. Chapters on selection of an endurance prospect, tack, nutrition, conditioning and training, evaluating fitness, conditioning for terrain and climate, cooling during training and competition, evaluation of metabolic health and soundness, trailering, common mistakes made at competitions. Also includes index, bibliography, appendices (conversion tables, distance riding associations). Recommended

Loving, Nancy S. Veterinary Manual for the Performance Horse. Grand Prairie, TX: Equine Research Inc., 1993. 588 pages.

Midkiff, Mary D. Fitness, Performance, and the Female Equestrian. New York: Howell Book House, 1996

Morris, Arlene. Be Trail Ready: A manual for the beginning trail or distance rider. Boise, ID: Morris Endurance Enterprises.

Oltmann, Hesselgesser, Stillman, and Lewis. Fit to Finish: The Distance Rider’s Guide to Personal Fitness and Nutrition. 1990. 126 pages.

Pacific Coast Equestrian Research Farm. Endurance and Competetive Trail Riding Manual. Badger, CA. Pacific Coast Equestrian Research Farm, 1967.

Parslow, Sue. Going the Distance: A Manual of Long Distance Riding. London: David &amp Charles, 1989. 200 pages.

Paulo, Karen. America’s Long Distance Challenge: The Complete Guide to the Sport of Endurance and Competitive Riding. North Pomfret, VT: Trafalgar Square, 1990. 166 pages.

Pavord, M. All About Endurance Riding North Pomfret, VT: Trafalgar Square, 2001.

Pavord, M. Endurance: Start to Finish. London: J.A. Allen, 1999.

Pilliner, Sarah. Getting Horses Fit: Improve Your Horse’s Performance. London: Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1993. 252 pages.

Saare, Sharon. Endurance Riding and Management. Moscow, ID: Appaloosa Horse Club, 1972. 54 pages.

Savoie, Jane. Cross-Train Your Horse: Simple Dressage for Every Horse, Every Sport. North Pomfret, VT: Trafalgar Square, 1998.

Savoie, Jane. More Cross-Training: Build a Better Athlete With Dressage. London: J.A. Allen, 1998.

Schmidt, Sharon. Tips for the Long Distance Rider. Placerville, CA: 1993

Snow, D.H. and C.J. Vogel. Equine Fitness: The Care and Training of the Athletic Horse. North Pomfret, VT: David &amp Charles Inc. 1987. 271 pages.

Snyder-Smith, Donna. The Complete Guide to Endurance Riding and Competition. 1998. 256 pages. Chapters on being a good rider, gymnastic development of the endurance horse, conditioning and feeding, tack, crewing, ride strategy. Also includes index, bibliography, appendices (passporting your horse for international competition, distance rider bios, event list). Recommended

Suhr, Julie. Ten Feet Tall, Still Scotts Valley, CA.: Marinera Publishing. 264 pages. Available direct from the publisher:

Tellington, Wentworth and Linda Tellington-Jones. Endurance and Competitive Trail Riding. Garden City, NY: Doubleday &amp Co., 1979. 314 pages

Tellington-Jones, Linda with Sybil Taylor. Getting in TTouch: Understand and Influence Your Horse’s Personality. North Pomfret, VT: Trafalgar Square, 1995.

Focus on Endurance I &amp II. Missisauga, ON: University of Guelph, Equine Research Centre, 1995. 118 pages.

Warren, Nina (Ed.). A.E.R.C. Endurance Riders Handbook. American Endurance Ride Conference, Auburn, CA: AERC Education Committee, 1991. 98 pages. Available on the internet at

Wilde, Clare. Endurance Riding: From First Steps to 100 Miles. Buckingham: Kenilworth Press, 1996. 176 pages.

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