Worker Credits

Volunteers working on rides, events or committees  may be awarded credits based on the task and duration as specified in the rule book. Awards are given at 200 credits (starting 2014), 500 credits, and each subsequent 500 credit interval. Workers may be non-members. Logged in users may view worker credits on the new Workers web page at the bottom of the Awards drop down menu.

OCTRA 50th Yearbook Now Available

Dear OCTRA members past and present

It’s not just a memory book, it’s YOUR book! It’s time to order a OCTRA 50th yearbook!

After two years of diligent work we have a beautiful hard cover coffee table book with over 930 people included in it’s 278 pages of treasured memories of photos, documents, articles, results, awards.  It’s been a journey and the more information we uncovered, the more we found!

The first 40 orders were $50 (reg. $99) subsidized by Nancy Beacon as her gift to all the families of OCTRA.

More INFO and how to order

OCTRA 50th Book Supporters and Advertisers Needed

Rose Danko and Nancy Beacon with Wendy Webb on the computer have spent the winter digging thru 50 years worth of archives finding an incredible number of OCTRA highlights to be shared in this beautiful coffee table book. The book at this point is over 100 pages, and will be available in soft and hard cover for the 2019 AGM. Two formats for “support” as well as advertising are being sought:

Support (Note: these are not advertisements)

  1. In memory of
    Have a photo of your late horse or member along with a mileage summary and award record.
    1/4 page $40 ~ 1/2 page $75 ~ Full page $125, or
  2. Congratulations
    Photo of your horse or people congratulating OCTRA on it’s 50th Anniversary
    1/4 page $40 ~ 1/2 page $75 ~ Full page $125


  • Your farm, horse, business or product
    1/4 page $120 ~ 1/2 page $160 ~ Full page $225 !

Deadline August 1, 2018. Space will fill up, so please send your info a.s.a.p. to

Nancy Beacon
Phone: 1 519 924 2347
Mail: Nancy Beacon, RR2 Flesherton, N0C1E0

Ride Statistics Revamped

OCTRA statistics have been revamped. There are  two new pages:

  1. Historical Ride Summary, a comparison of  number of rides, starters and completions year by year.
  2. Discipline Summary, a comparison of number of rides, entries etc. for each discipline.

The window onto all OCTRA statistics is a page under the Rides tab in the main menu connecting to

As time permits I will try to add more detail. In particular, I will work to add a drill down from the Discipline Summary to show all the rides for a specific discipline in a specific year. Stay tuned!

Thank you Michelle Bignell

For the past four years Michelle Bignell has kept OCTRA’s books and financials on a solid footing with her extensive background  in commercial finance and accounting. This spring she decided to resign as OCTRA Treasurer. OCTRA will miss her eagle eye and QuickBooks acumen. Thank you for your years of service and all you have contributed to the health and vitality of this community.

The Board of Directors has launched a search for a new treasurer. Interested members should contact
The Board of Directors has appointed Rick Burnside as Treasurer.

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© Ontario Competitive Trail Riding Association 2025