Competitive intensity VS Rude behavior

A number of years ago OCTRA found it necessary to add some teeth to their Sportsmanship/ Behavior rule in order to protect our dedicated volunteers and officials from verbal abuse. Event Managers were finding it difficult to get volunteers for some key positions because competitors were being rude and using inappropriate language when dealing with them. Our volunteers come out when they are treated with polite respect. Without volunteers we can’t have Events. Many times it has been suggested that every competitor should volunteer at least once the day of a ride.

Why have I brought this to your attention? Because what I saw and heard at our first ride of the season disturbed me. While there were a couple of standout incidents, there was a general increase in the use of inappropriate language and nasty comments that bordered on abusive.

I met a number of the general public during my ride, on the roads and close to the pit crew stop. I was very concerned to think that our members might not be representing OCTRA in the best way possible.

I understand the competitive nature of our rides increases the level of emotion and a horse that may have a more serious issue will cause a high level of stress. Remember, your horse is feeding off all that emotional stress. Take a deep breath, calm yourself, think before you speak, and remember: you may not have all the information you need.

As OCTRA’s Vice President and the protest committee chair it is my responsibility to address any protests that arise from behavior thought to be in contravention with the rules. Competitive intensity is never an excuse for poor sportsmanship or rude behavior.


a) The following will not be tolerated, and riders may be disqualified for:

i. Any abuse of a horse
ii. Substantiated verbal or physical abuse
iii. Bad language or excessive drinking

b) Competitors and pit crews may not tamper with tied horses, or deliberately influence the behavior of horses belonging to other riders/teams

c) Also see Bylaw 2.3.1, Suspension

Sue Timbers
OCTRA Vice President

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