Distance Reward Program

The “Mileage Reward Program” was amended to the “Distance Reward Program” at the 2015 AGM with the default unit of measure for new riders being in km while existing riders with more than 500 miles can option to be grandfathered for awards presented in miles at the current increments.

Starting in 2019 enrollment in the “Distance Rewards Program” is included with the annual OCTRA Membership fee. All OCTRA members are eligible to have Mileage tabulated for Life Time Distance Awards.

There is a one-time enrollment fee of $30.00 for each horseIf a member wishes to include distance prior to enrollment in the program, they may do so with a $40.00 fee for each year requested. Proof of Completions must be provided and the membership fees must be paid for those years when the rider was not an OCTRA member.

Mileage may only be used from OCTRA Sanctioned Events with the exception that distance from one event up to 160km (100 miles) from an organization recognized by OCTRA may be used each year, again with Proof of Completion.

Riders will be awarded for each 800km increment and horses will receive a plaque upon reaching the 800km mark with mileage plates presented for each 800 km increment (1600km, 2400km etc.).“Grandfather Clause”:  OCTRA Members with over 500 miles as of January 2016 may opt for awards presented in miles instead of kilometers.

Anyone wishing more information on this Program should contact the Committee Chair, Sylvie Hand.


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