Junior/Sponsored Members

Junior Riders are members 17 years of age and under as of January 1st of the competition year while Sponsored Riders are members 15 years of age and under as of the date of the competition. A Sponsored Rider must be accompanied by the Sponsor at all times on trail. All Junior members are eligible for year-end awards but are not allowed to vote on OCTRA business.

Juniors are very welcome in OCTRA and its many long distance disciplines. Younger riders will find that our sport is an amazing complimentary activity for conditioning and cross-training for other events such as Dressage, Reining, Three Day Eventing, Hunter, etc. It is also a great method for developing a stronger bond and partnership with your horse – all horses can spook but a horse trained in the trials and tribulations of long distance riding will have more experience and confidence in himself and his rider. Participating in OCTRA is also simply just fun – camping with your horse, socializing with other riders and of course riding the trails.

Anyone Junior interested in more information on becoming a member and/or interested in finding a sponsor may check the Mentors List, the Youth Chair or any Board Member, all found under the CONTACTS tab.

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© Ontario Competitive Trail Riding Association 2025