OCTRA Forum “Resolution’s #1, #2, #3 and #4” discussions will be closed as at September 1st, 2017. We appreciate and wish to thank everyone for your thoughtful input!
It’s Time to Return All Perpetual Trophies.
This is a reminder for members to make arrangements for all perpetual trophies to be returned to either Julie Phair or Deb McBride by Oktoberfest. If you are sending an award with another member please let Julie know. rjphair@bmts.com
Proposed Resolutions Posted for Review.
Four resolutions have been posted in the forum for member review and comment. Three concern our new LD rides; one concerns adding back RnT rides for Top Novice Horse & Rider Team. To review the resolutions you must:
- Be a member in good standing
- Login to the website
- Click on the “Discussion Forums” link at the top of the For Members page
- In the Discussion Forum look for Governance -> Resolutions
If you are already logged in, here is the direct link. After reviewing a resolution, if you have a comment, create a topic title and add your comment. You may also comment directly on a topic created by another member.
If you need help creating a new account on the website please contact webmaster@octra.on.ca including your member ID.
Recall of Request for Membership Vote.
Dear OCTRA Member
The OCTRA Board of Directors has decided to recall the request for a membership vote on four resolutions recently sent via Constant Contact due to identified issues in the mechanics of voting and difficulties ensuring the full membership receipt. The resolutions will be returned to the Committee Chair.
Please ensure as a member, that the OCTRA Membership Secretary has your current email address especially for family memberships as individual email addresses are required. Since the majority of members have email access, the OCTRA Board of Directors will continue to reach out using this format. As a member should you not have email access please indicate a current mailing address.
In the future, recommended resolutions by committees will be posted, with an end date, as a draft resolution to the OCTRA website Forum for member discussion and will include a review requirement by the committee chair, before the final recommended resolution is submitted to the OCTRA Board of Directors for approved membership distribution and voting.
We thank you for your understanding and contributions during a time of reorganizing and restructuring and encourage members to volunteer for specific committees. Presently a Rulebook Committee is forming and requesting volunteers.
OCTRA Board of Directors
Did you receive OCTRA’s “Resolution Voting” email?.
If you received OCTRA’s “Resolution Voting” email dated Aug 14, 2017 we encourage you to participate by clicking the “Vote Now!” link in the message. If you did NOT receive this important email please contact Veronica Canadien <roni_canadien@yahoo.ca> with your current email address to be placed on the distribution list. Some membership account emails are out of date and no longer active.
NOTE: Family members who share the same email address only receive one email ballot which cannot be shared. The other voting member of the family must provide a different email address in order to vote.