Competitive intensity VS Rude behavior.

A number of years ago OCTRA found it necessary to add some teeth to their Sportsmanship/ Behavior rule in order to protect our dedicated volunteers and officials from verbal abuse. Event Managers were finding it difficult to get volunteers for some key positions because competitors were being rude and using inappropriate language when dealing with them. Our volunteers come out when they are treated with polite respect. Without volunteers we can’t have Events. Many times it has been suggested that every competitor should volunteer at least once the day of a ride.

Why have I brought this to your attention? Because what I saw and heard at our first ride of the season disturbed me. While there were a couple of standout incidents, there was a general increase in the use of inappropriate language and nasty comments that bordered on abusive.

Continue reading “Competitive intensity VS Rude behavior”

OCTRA Extraordinary Rules and Procedures Related to Equine Herpes Virus for the 2021 Competition Season.

In light of the Equine Herpes Virus (EHV) outbreaks in Europe and the United States, where outbreaks have already affected equestrian competitions, and subsequent EHV outbreaks in Ontario and Quebec, the OCTRA Vet Committee reviewed bio-security protocols and health and welfare recommendations from the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs (OMAFRA), the Canada Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), the American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP), and the University of Guelph regarding this highly contagious and potentially fatal equine disease.

Continue reading “OCTRA Extraordinary Rules and Procedures Related to Equine Herpes Virus for the 2021 Competition Season”

OCTRA’s New Sanctioning Director is Kim Woolley!.

Kim comes to us with a large amount of experience. She will be a great asset to our Ride Managers. Please feel free to contact her if you are interested in hosting an event or if you need help from the board for your current event.”

Picture of Kim Woolley
Kim Woolley


The following article is from Equestrian Canada

March 5, 2021, Equestrian Canada Newsletter

Equestrian Canada (EC) is responding to the Equine Herpesvirus (EVH-1) outbreaks in the United States and Europe in close collaboration with all relevant partners and government authorities.

Future communications are forthcoming regarding EC’s plans to ensure a safe start to the competition season for both human and equine athletes. Meanwhile, EC urges everyone to exercise extreme caution regarding the movement of equines.

What is EVH-1?
EVH-1 is a common DNA disease that causes abortion, respiratory disease and neurological disease in equines. More information on EVH-1 can be found through the American Association of Equine Practitioners and Canadian Food Inspection Agency.

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