2019 Results for Summer’s End, Cala-Boogie and Tay Valley.

Results are now posted for three more events. Riders should login and check them for errors or omissions. Requests for corrections should go to respective ride managers.

  • For Summer’s End contact Phyllis Pecile
  • For Cala-Boogie contact Pauline Fleming
  • For Tay Valley contact Rick Steele

Ride Results become official and are not subject to change thirty days after they appear in an official OCTRA publication unless the OCTRA Secretary is notified in writing of an error, or intentional fraud is proven.

Thank you, David MacDonald.

Thank You!

David MacDonald has tendered his resignation from the OCTRA Board of Directors and the position of OCTRA Vice President. David was elected to the OCTRA BOD as Vice President at the AGM in February 2018. During his time as VP, David organized the OCTRA 50th Anniversary Easy Fit Saddle Raffle which netted OCTRA $1,000. We thank David for his time and efforts. Wishing him all the best in his future

As a result of David’s resignation, current board member Deborah McBride has accepted the position of OCTRA Vice President. Rose Danko, long time past board member and the member with the next greatest number of votes at the February AGM, has agreed to rejoin the Board of Directors effective immediately. We thank Deborah and Rose for stepping up to the plate to fill the vacancies.

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© Ontario Competitive Trail Riding Association 2024