
OCTRA events, and the Association as a whole, depend entirely on our volunteers – NOTHING happens in OCTRA without the initiation of our volunteers.

You do NOT have to be a member of OCTRA or have any experience to volunteer at one of our events. On the job training works for most positions and for the rest (taking pulses, vet assistants, etc.) OCTRA holds free mini-clinics at selected rides throughout the year.

If you are hoping to compete one day, volunteering is absolutely the best way to learn what you need to know. Check the Ride Calendar to find a ride near you and reach out to the Ride Manager or Secretary to ask how you can help and get information on what is involved.

Even if you are not a rider or even a horse-person, you probably have skills that our Ride Managers would love to utilize.  Do you love to cook? Do you love to look after people and make sure everyone is having a good time? Do you have First-Aid training? Administrative or Logistical skills? Do you love to hang out with kids when their parents are otherwise engaged? Would you like to hang out and help the horses and riders as they come in? There is no end to the fun you can have at an OCTRA ride!!

Interested individuals can also contact any Board member for more information on volunteering with OCTRA.

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© Ontario Competitive Trail Riding Association 2025