
The Awards Banquet is a major part of OCTRA’s Annual General meeting (AGM) which is held yearly on the second or third weekend of February in a centrally located hotel. You DO NOT have to be an OCTRA member to attend any of the AGM events and it is an excellent time to learn about OCTRA and long-distance riding as well as meet potential mentors and riding partners. Please see the OCTRA Rule Book for a full description and rules on all of our Awards.


Many of our annual awards are based on nominations from our membership.  A call goes out to all of our members to nominate deserving riders for a variety of accomplishments.  Please note all Nominations must be submitted by email to the Board Secretary on or before October 18th.  Any received after that date will not be included for the Board to consider.

In your Nomination email please include the following:

  1. The title of the Award,
  2. The name of the person you are nominating,
  3. Their OCTRA membership number (if applicable),
  4. Why you are nominating this person
  5. Your name and OCTRA membership number.

Rookie Worker of the Year:

Fred and Sheila Buchanan Appreciation Award
Perpetual Trophy donated by Chrystal Woodhouse and Rob Wright.

Given in recognition of outstanding service to OCTRA (Does not need to be an OCTRA member and may not necessarily need to be in the first year as a volunteer).

Top Pit Crew :

Ritz Valley Farms Aaristocat Crewing Excellence Award
Donated by Deborah McBride and Mike Robinson, it is given to the Pit Crew who best displays:

  • A willingness to help others
  • Organization and knowledge of duties
  • The ability to keep his/her ‘cool’ while those around him/her are losing theirs
  • Nominated crews must have crewed two or more rides during the nominated season
  • Recipients of this trophy do not have to be OCTRA members.

Junior Horsemanship/Sportsmanship Award:

Perpetual trophy donated by the Zukewich/Trembley Family:

  • By regarding the horse as a team member and displaying good horsemanship.
  • By displaying good sportsmanship towards other riders, ride staff etc.

Senior Horsemanship/Sportsmanship Award:

The Mike Cottenden Memorial Trophy
Perpetual donated by Chrystal Woodhouse and Rob Wright.

This award is given to the person who best displays a true love of the sport.

  • By regarding the horse as a team member and displaying good horsemanship.
  • By displaying good sportsmanship towards other riders, ride staff etc.

Athlete of the Year :

Donated by Willis Farms Arabians (Dianne & Garnet Willis) & Ruth Benns.

  • An award given for athletic achievement (doing the best with what you’ve got).

Outstanding OCTRA Member :

The Esau Lewin Legacy Award
Donated by Ron & Julie Phair.

  • Presented to the member who has contributed immensely to the organization by their generosity in giving of themselves and their time to OCTRA.

Stall of Fame

Forward Nomination outlining all requirements via email to the OCTRA Secretary

For horses who have proved to be “OUTSTANDING IN THEIR TIME” in OCTRA events and owned by or have been owned by an OCTRA member during the time of its outstanding achievements.

For eligibility see Rule Book 8.4.

Horse Honour Roll

Forward Nomination outlining all requirements via email to the OCTRA Secretary. For eligibility see Rule Book 8.3


MEMBERS shall be eligible to have results tabulated for all year-end awards.

Breed Awards:

To be eligible for breed awards, a copy of the horses’ registration papers, or Standardbred Canada, TrackIT or USTA Pathway printout, must be submitted by
the owner OR the rider, to the Distance Reward Program Chair.

  • ARABIAN: Barrah Memorial Perpetual Trophy, perpetual trophy originally donated by Mimi Boelbaum.
  • PART ARABIAN: Keeper donated by Dave & Marg Murray
  • MORGAN: Perpetual trophy donated by the Canadian Morgan Horse Assoc., Ontario Zone.
  • Part Morgan: Perpetual trophy donated by the Canadian Morgan Horse Assoc., Ontario Zone.
  • MORAB:
  • QUARTER HORSE: Pawley’s Playboy Trophy, donated by Fred Buchanan.
  • STANDARDBRED: Donated by Standardbred Performance Horse Association.
  • BEST OF THE REST: (other breed or non-registered): Perpetual trophy sponsored Janet and David Henderson (Rivendell Farms)
    Other Breed awards such as Top Appaloosa, etc. may be available if there is sufficient number of horses in each category.

Individual Awards:

  • ROOKIE RIDER OF THE YEAR: An award is given based on the overall performance by a first year competitor and decided by the OCTRA Board of Directors.
    Perpetual awards donated by Wendy and Emma Webb
  • HIGH POINT NOVICE RIDER: The Danko Family High Point Novice Rider Award in honour of their enduring dedication to OCTRA and inspirational support of its members.
    Perpetual Plaque Donated by Tania Poehlman.
    Top Ten Ribbons shall be given to riders (regardless of the horse ridden) for the highest total scores in the novice division.
  • HIGH POINT NOVICE RIDER/HORSE (TEAM):  The Nurturing Enduring Partnerships Trophy for the Top Novice Horse & Rider Team Award, is given to the top placing novice horse and rider.
    Perpetual plaque donated by Sharon and Tom Anderegg
  • HIGH POINT JUNIOR RIDER: The Founders Award will be presented to the OCTRA high point junior rider in honour of our founding members (Nancy Beacon, Di Lindblad and Di Regendanz).
    Perpetual Award donated by Rob Wright.
    Ribbons will be awarded from 2nd to 5th place.
  • HIGHEST MILEAGE RIDER: Perseverance Award  to the rider accumulating the most miles in a year.
    Perpetual trophy donated by Pat and Donna St Jean
  • HIGHEST MILEAGE HORSE: The GBJ Carabar Trophy to the horse accumulating the most miles in the year.
    Perpetual plaque donated by the Rawski family.



HIGH POINT RIDE ’n TIE TEAMS: There are three divisions in Ride ’n Tie, Top Senior Team, Junior Team and Jr/Sr Team. Awards will be granted to the High Point Senior, Junior Team, and Jr/Sr Teams. A “team” must consist of the same two runners and the same horse throughout the year.


HIGH POINT COMPETITIVE TRAIL HORSES: Awarded to the Highest Placing horse for the year. Perpetual Award Donated by Master Feeds Ribbons awarded 2nd to 10th place.


HIGH POINT SET SPEED HORSES: Award given to the Highest Placing horse for the year.
Perpetual Herbert Welzel and Count Diablo Memorial trophy donated by OCTRA
Ribbons for awarded for Top Three horses of each level (Bronze, Silver, Gold)


    • HIGH POINT ENDURANCE HORSES: Awards are given for the Highest Placing horse for the year.
      Donated by OCTRA. Ribbons awarded for 2nd to 10th place.
  • HIGH POINT BEST CONDITION: Awarded to the Horse with the highest accumulative score of Best Condition wins at Endurance rides throughout the season. Sally Van Dyke Memorial Trophy [0riginally donated by Les Wagshal (Shalom Farms) in memory of Sally Van Dyke]


  • LIMITED DISTANCE BEST CONDITION: The horse with the highest number of BC points accumulated over the season receives the High Point BC award. Perpetual award donated by Dr. Stan Alkemade
  • HIGHEST MILEAGE LD HORSE:  Recognizes the Highest Mileage LD horse(s) with an award for Top LD Horse.
    Donated by David Henderson.
    Horses ranked 2nd to 10th will be awarded ribbons.


TOP HORSES OVERALL: The Jashir Memorial Trophy donated by Kris Adamson is awarded to the highest placing horse overall.

Lifetime Achievement:


Is in recognition on an equal basis for all workers who volunteer to help OCTRA and its membership. Recipients are not required to be OCTRA members.

  • Volunteers working ride/events shall be awarded worker completion certificates indicating (25 worker credits for rides of 80km/50miles or less & 50 worker credits for rides over 80km/50miles or two day rides.)
  • Volunteers who participate at Board approved events, on OCTRA’s behalf shall be awarded 12 worker credits for a half day (4 hours) & 25 worker credits for a full day (8 hours).
  • Volunteers for named positions within OCTRA shall be awarded for each of the following positions: 100 worker credits in each of the following positions: Board of Directors, Committee Chairs as appointed by the BOD, and other positions as decided by the BOD. An OCTRA member holding more than one position is awarded credits for all positions held.
  • Credits accrue for Year End and Lifetime Awards.

WORKER AWARDS: Workers will be awarded 200 credit & 500 credit levels and for each 500 credit increment thereafter.


RIDER AWARDS: The rider will be awarded for each 800km (500 miles) increment.
HORSE AWARDS: The horse will receive a plaque upon reaching the 800km (500 mile) mark. Distance plates will be made for the existing plaque for 1600km, 2400km, etc. Horses must be entered in the Distance Program to be eligible.


Ride Manager Recognition

High Vet Score: Presented to the horse & rider with the highest vet score at each endurance ride throughout the season
Donated by Dr. Art King.
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© Ontario Competitive Trail Riding Association 2025