50th Anniversary Chair

A commemorative OCTRA Directors Chair is being presented this 50th Anniversary year only, to a person who is special and has done something Above and Beyond at each Ride.

The recipient is chosen by ride Organizers, and/or fellow workers. We are pleased to announce this year’s (so far) 50th Anniversary Chair holders:

  • Julie Phair,
  • Marc Downing,
  • Rick Tenhove,
  • Kristen Russell,
  • Earle Baxter, and
  • Kristen Howard.

OCTRA 50th Book Editors and Photos Needed

Rose Danko and Nancy Beacon with Wendy Webb on the computer have spent the winter digging thru 50 years worth of archives finding an incredible number of OCTRA highlights to be shared in this beautiful coffee table book. The book at this point is over 100 pages, and will be available in soft and hard cover for the 2019 AGM.


The OCTRA 50th Book draft is set up so we can have several people editing on the cloud. We would love for people who are passionate about various sections to be able to join the process and edit a section. There are many years of archives scanned and uploaded into the media library for people editing to access as well as Wendy Webb’s OCTRA ride images.


There is a link for people to contribute edited photos to the media library of the book, no promises that all with be used however its good to have photos to draw from. Go to https://octra.picaboo.com/ the upload link is beside the camera icon. Be sure the title contains: Year, names of people/horses in the photo and any other information that would other wise be lost.

We have a long list of sections which is quite lengthy and fluid as new ideas come up, we welcome keen people to contact us to figure out where there expertise can best be utilized.

Interested? Contact Nancy Beacon rabbitrun1@me.com or for tech help Wendy Webb at funwithhorses@mac.com


There has been much talk about what the BoD and OCTRA will be doing to celebrate our 50th year. After much research and discussion the BoD has opted to not hold a one time big event and instead spread the celebration throughout the sanctioned events offered this season thus making it more inclusive of all geographical areas. We will be celebrating our 50th with awards to recognize our members and even a few quirky contests during the entire Ride season.

Details to come!

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© Ontario Competitive Trail Riding Association 2025