Changes to My Profile

Members may login to update many details about themselves such as address, insurance coverage, phone numbers, etc.. Several changes to this capability have just been implemented including non-OCTRA membership numbers and Equine infectious anemia date (EIA date) for horses. Also, Family Memberships are now included more thoroughly in the “do it yourself” approach to data management at OCTRA.

Rider and Horse IDs

OCTRA does not collect membership numbers for non-OCTRA associations on our application/renewal form. However, many rides are cross sanctioned with other organizations such as AERC, AHA, etc. You may now add these membership numbers yourself to you profile. This will speed up registration at rides. These additional affiliations will also appear on your ride history to demonstrate your dedication and support of our sport.

Family Memberships

Every family membership has one “primary contact” designated on the membership application/renewal form. That primary contact can now update all the profile information for the entire family. Other family members will see a “No data found” message.

Note: For security reasons, only the primary contact has access to the complete set of family data online.


You may now update your EIA Date (Negative Coggins Test Result Date) for your horses. This will speed up registration at rides.

As with riders, OCTRA does not collect horse membership numbers for non-OCTRA organizations. Members may now add these numbers to your horse profiles. This will speed up registration at rides. These additional affiliations will also appear on your horses’ histories.

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