2018 Lay Judge Clinic.

Saturday APRIL 28th, 2018
Lay Judge Clinic (Aprilfest)
Dufferin County Forest Main Tract,
937513 Airport Road, Mansfield, Ontario

Attending a Lay Judge lecture, writing an exam and participating in the required number of apprenticeships, is a return to the format used very successfully in our past.

It shall take advantage of the scheduled and sanctioned Set Speed Clinic offered on Saturday, April 28, 2018 (Aprilfest Endurance)

Following a lunch hour break the Lay Judge Clinic lecture will continue ending with the written exam.  Successful exam candidates will be notified, and their apprenticeships scheduled for the competition season.

  • New registrations $100 (e-transfer to treasurer@octra.on.ca).
  • Previous 2017 apprentices should attend (no additional registration fee required).

All attendees should register by email to Sue Downing downing_sue@yahoo.ca

Link to Reference Materials list …

OCTRA LAY JUDGE REQUIREMENTS: (Policy Statements – pg. 10)

  1. In order to apply to work towards their Lay Judge status participants must:
    • Have been a member of OCTRA for at least two years
    • Have completed at least two OCTRA sanctioned rides as a rider
    • OCTRA is looking for seasoned OCTRA members to apply as Lay Judges
  2. Qualify to apprentice at OCTRA events:
    • Contact Committee Chair to initiate process
    • Study the OCTRA Rule Book and be familiar with all OCTRA competition rules
    • Attend a Lay Judge Clinic arranged by Committee Chair
    • At end of clinic, write the Lay Judge Exam and pass (with a minimum grade of 80%)
  3. Apprentice at OCTRA sanctioned events for a minimum of:
    • Two Endurance Rides
    • Two CTRs
    • Two Set Speeds (if Set Speed apprenticeship is not part of the Endurance Rides)
    • One Ride ‘n Tie (if available)
  4. During a season where one of the OCTRA disciplines is not available:
    • Participants must apprentice at two each of the available disciplines (excluding Ride ‘n Tie).
    • Participants will be qualified as a Junior Lay Judge in the disciplines successfully apprenticed (if approved by two accredited OCTRA Veterinary Control Judges)
    • The Junior Lay Judge is required to fulfill his/her missing requirements in the next season the “missing” discipline is available.
  5. For final accreditation as a Lay Judge, the approval, in writing, of two OCTRA accredited Veterinary Control Judges must be sent to the Committee Chair (with a copy to the participant).
  6. Upon completion, the successful participants will receive an OCTRA Lay Judge Certificate.
  7. If a participant fulfills all the ride requirements as listed in sections (iii) and (iv) above without receiving the approval of two OCTRA accredited Veterinary Control Judges:
    • The participant will continue apprenticing at OCTRA events as per the vet(s) instructions until they receive the required vet approvals
    • The participant will forgo becoming a Lay Judge if he/she is deemed unsuitable for the position by the Veterinary Committee.


There has been much talk about what the BoD and OCTRA will be doing to celebrate our 50th year. After much research and discussion the BoD has opted to not hold a one time big event and instead spread the celebration throughout the sanctioned events offered this season thus making it more inclusive of all geographical areas. We will be celebrating our 50th with awards to recognize our members and even a few quirky contests during the entire Ride season.

Details to come!

Review the 2016 AGM Minutes Before Attending the 2017 AGM.

At the 2017 AGM the minutes from the previous year will be corrected if necessary and then approved. Please review them before coming to the 2017 AGM. Bring any corrections you find to the floor of the 2017 AGM. Corrections must be approved by the members present. NOTE: The 2016 Minutes are long and will not be read out at the meeting. Only paragraphs requiring correction will be reviewed.

2016 AGM minutes, resolutions, action items (PDF 1.1 MB)

AGM – Voting by Proxy.

At the 2016 AGM members introduced voting by proxy. This permits members who cannot attend the AGM to still have their views expressed and to contribute their vote on OCTRA resolutions and elections. The rules are outlined in paragraph 3.1.2 of the OCTRA Rule Book including a basic example proxy form.

The 2017 AGM is the first time OCTRA will allow proxy voting. Therefore the likely number of proxy assignments is a complete unknown to the AGM organizing committee. In order to forestall possible complications and delays at registration, members are requested to inform the OCTRA Secretary ten days in advance (i.e. by Wednesday, February 7, 2018) of their intention to assign proxy and to whom their proxy will be assigned. Please send this information by email to secretary@octra.on.ca.

NOTE: Notwithstanding the above, the AGM registration desk will continue to process proxy forms up to the start of the AGM meeting.

For your convenience, here is a link to an useful proxy form that covers all the bases.

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© Ontario Competitive Trail Riding Association 2025