Worker Credits.

Volunteers working on rides, events or committees  may be awarded credits based on the task and duration as specified in the rule book. Awards are given at 200 credits (starting 2014), 500 credits, and each subsequent 500 credit interval. Workers may be non-members. Logged in users may view worker credits on the new Workers web page at the bottom of the Awards drop down menu.

Archivist Required.

OCTRA is in need of a volunteer to take over the Archives. Director Rose Danko has been our archivist for the last number of years, however she would like to pass on the reins now. Do you have an interest in history and some room to store some tubs of documents? If interested, please contact Rose to get a better idea of what this position involves.

Sue Downing Resigns.

Received by the Nominations and Elections Committee on Sunday, January 12, 2020:

I have decided to tender my resignation and terminate my term on the OCTRA Directors early, and will not be standing for re-election February 22, 2020 at the Annual General Meeting.  My resignation is effective immediately, January 12, 2020.  I’ve concluded my time is better serviced as a member in good standing of the Association.  I have confidence in our current Vice President to lead this Board of Directors in the best interest of the OCTRA membership.

Sue Downing”
As no other nominations for president were received by the deadline, nominations for president will be accepted from the floor at the AGM on February 22, 2020. A  complete list of all nominations received for treasurer and director #3 will be posted here by January 24th as well as sent directly to all eligible members.
OCTRA Nominations and Elections Committee
David Morgan, Ron Phair, Mike Robinson
Typo or error? Email webmaster
© Ontario Competitive Trail Riding Association 2024