One Giant Leap for the Distance Rewards Program

Changes to the enrollment process for the Distance Rewards Program have been approved by the Board of Directors to increase clarity and member participation. The changes affect renewing members, new members, currently competing horses, all new horses, and horses changing owners. In brief, beginning in 2019, OCTRA Membership automatically includes the Distance Rewards Program for riders. In addition, for a horse to compete for any year end award, the horse must be registered with OCTRA.

Horses already in the Distance Rewards are considered registered. For horses not currently in the Distance Rewards Program, in order to accrue points and distance for year end awards, the owner must register the horse with OCTRA if inclusion in year end awards is desired using the new Horse Membership Application and remit a $30 fee.

NOTE: Not all horses competing need to register. For example, if the horse is on loan, is a catch ride, is on trial, is a horse for sale needing some competition miles, or is a horse nearing retirement, the owner need not register the horse with OCTRA. However the owner should be aware that no points or distance will accrue for year end awards.
Renewing Members
OCTRA is suspending the $40 surcharge for including distance from previous years. All your previously recorded distance will be grandfathered in. If your OCTRA records indicate recognition is now due, you will receive a Distance Award at the upcoming 2018 Awards Banquet. Those riders with proof of distance beyond that recorded in the OCTRA database have until Oct. 1, 2019 to submit records to the board for approval. If approved, recognition will be at the 2019 Awards Banquet.

New Members
New members are now automatically enrolled in the Distance Rewards Program as part of their OCTRA membership with no additional fee.

Horses Already Enrolled in Distance Rewards
This policy change does not affect horses already enrolled. However, if the horse is not enrolled in breed awards, including Best of the Rest, the owner may choose to complete the OCTRA Horse Membership Form and fill out  the Breed Awards section. No fee is required in this case.
Horses Currently Competing but Not Enrolled in Distance Rewards
Owners of competing horses not currently enrolled in the Distance Rewards Program must pay a one-time-only $30 fee and submit the OCTRA Horse Membership Form if they wish to be eligible for year end awards.  For 2019 only, past distance will be grandfathered into the program. Thereafter the $40 past mileage fee will apply again. NOTE: This policy does not currently include retired horses.
New Horses
All new competing horses must pay the one-time-only $30 fee and submit the OCTRA Horse Membership Form if they wish the horse to be eligible for year end awards.
Horses Changing Owners
A $10 fee applies for the transfer of a horse from one owner to another. In addition, if the new owner wants a new Distance Rewards plaque with their name on it, a $30 fee is required to cover the cost of the new plaque.
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