Meg Sleeper – 2017 AGM Weekend Clinician.

This year’s clinician at the 2017 AGM weekend is Dr. Meg Sleeper, DVM.

With over 12,000 AERC miles, and having ridden in 76 AERC 100-mile rides (with 66 completions), 50-year-old Meg Sleeper of Frenchtown, New Jersey, is not only a seasoned endurance rider, but also a top class international competitor. Meg competed in her first competitive trail ride in 1980. Since that time, she has completed over 14,000 miles of competitive and endurance rides and competed in 7 countries. She has been on the USA endurance squad for four world championships and has competed nearly entirely on home bred and trained horses.

“It’s a really special bond you get with the horse that’s different than any other,” Meg says about riding endurance. “One of the things I love about endurance is it’s not just about just going as fast as you can… It’s about actually figuring out the trail and the weather environment and everything that you get that particular day, and then making your best effort for those hurdles you have that day.”

Meg and her husband Dave Augustin have been breeding their own horses for close to 25 years; Shyrocco Troilus was the first home bred Meg competed on in a World Endurance Championship. He’s 22 now: “We don’t sell many; they do kind of become family members,” Meg says. It’s a testament to her riding experience, and her profession as a veterinary cardiologist, that she’s had long careers with her home-bred horses, even at the highest level of competition.


2010    AERC National Championship Rides:
             100-mile ride – 3rd with Syrocco Reveille
55-mile ride – 16th with Syrocco Cadence
2010    On the USA endurance squad short list (with 2 of her horses) for the WEG in Lexington, KY; competed on the US team with Syrocco Harmony
2009    Arabian Horse Association National Competitive Trail Ride (Oklahoma, USA) Grand Champion
2008    World endurance championship (Terrenganu, Malaysia); USA team
2007    Pan American Endurance Championship (Pinamar, Argentina) – 11th place
2007    Zone team challenge (Montana, USA) – team gold medal, 1st place, Best condition award
2006    World endurance championship (Aachen, Germany); 22nd place Argentinian national championship ride – 6th place
2005    Pan American Endurance Championship (Maryland, USA) – USA East team
2004   World Endurance Championship (Dubai, UAE); USA team
2004    President’s Cup (Abu Dhabi, UAE); USA team
2003    Pan American Endurance Championship (Washington, USA) – USA East team
2003    Worlds Most Preferred Endurance Ride (Dubai, UAE); 16th place
2002    Worlds Most Preferred Endurance Ride (Dubai, UAE); 32nd place
2002    World endurance championship (Jerez, Spain); alternate
2001    Pan American Endurance Championship (Vermont, USA) gold medal team; individual 7th place
1997    Race of Champions (Pennsylvania, USA) gold medal team; individual 20th place

Ride Statistics Revamped.

OCTRA statistics have been revamped. There are  two new pages:

  1. Historical Ride Summary, a comparison of  number of rides, starters and completions year by year.
  2. Discipline Summary, a comparison of number of rides, entries etc. for each discipline.

The window onto all OCTRA statistics is a page under the Rides tab in the main menu connecting to

As time permits I will try to add more detail. In particular, I will work to add a drill down from the Discipline Summary to show all the rides for a specific discipline in a specific year. Stay tuned!

Distance Awards – KMs or Miles?.

Rule Book 11.2.3 c) “Grandfather” Clause” – Riders with over 800km (500 miles) as of January 2016 may opt for awards being presented in miles instead of kilometers. (Rev. 02/16)

NOTE: Awards are presented in kilometers by default. You must notify us within the next few days if you wish to have you or your horse grandfathered in for miles instead of kilometers. Interum calculations indicate this option is available for 2017 awards for seven riders and seven horses.


Interim Horse Distance Awards for 2017


Interim Rider Distance Awards for 2017

2018 Membership Stickers.

I have 2018 stickers now for the membership cards. “So what?” you may ask. I answer that it means I can now process 2018 membership renewals! 🙂
A few have already send info and money in and I have not forgotten you 😉 I will process them in the next couple weeks. If I feel ambitious it may be this weekend. So if you want a jump start in renewing your membership – bring it on LOL I will be renewing memberships at the AGM between the meeting and the banquet and whenever else I feel thusly inclined 🙄
To make it a painless as possible (and possibly alcohol proof) please be kind and bring a filled out membership form (some will be on hand) and some form of payment and trade it for a receipt and 2018 sticker.
See you soon!
P.S. More membership information stuff is here ➡  Membership

2018 OCTRA TENTATIVE Ride Dates.

The following dates have not been sanctioned. They are provided below to help you plan your ride season and vacation requests.

  • April 28 and 29 – Aprilfest at Dufferin (Sue Downing)
  • May 19 and 20 – Anniversary Ride date under review (BoD)
  • June 16 and 17 – Summer Solstice at Dufferin ( Sue Downing)
  • June 30, July 1 and 2 – Coates Creek Challenge (Nancy Beacon)
  • August 4,5 and 6 – Madawaska Ride (Rob Wright)
  • August 18 and 19 – Summer’s End Ride Baillieborough (Phyllis Pecile)
  • September 1 and 2 – Cala-Boogie Calabogie (Pauline Fleming)
  • September 29 and 30 – Oktoberfest Dufferin Forest (Sue Downing)

Judy Durst
Sanctioning Chair

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© Ontario Competitive Trail Riding Association 2024