Members, Ride Managers, and volunteers are advised to read the Ontario Equestrian Federation Concussion Guidelines for Equestrian Sport at the following url:
Coates Creek II Rider Cards – available Oktoberfest.
Attention ALL COATES CREEK 2 (July 1,2,2017) RIDERS:
If you did not receive your Vet Cards, they will be available at OKTOBERFEST- Dufferin Forest Mansfield, this September 30th, October 1st, please see RM Sue Downing end of day.
It was very cost prohibitive and not in the RM’s budget to try and mail them all out, my apologies. 🙂 Thanks for your patience and kindness in waiting, RS – Tia Kerst.
Rule Book Committee Seeking Volunteers.
BoD Approves Format for Online Resolutions.
Constant Contact Resolution(s), i.e. Online Resolution Voting
All new resolutions shall be put forth within a certain format for membership voting as approved by BOD:
Survey format:
- Accept
- Decline
- Abstain from Vote
Format Approved by BOD which will be posted to the OCTRA Website.
2017 Summer’s End and Springfling (in August!) Results.
Results are posted for the 2017 Summer’s End Rides and Sprinfling (in august!) Rides.
NOTE: The original posting for Summer’s End 40 Km Set Speed Placed had Gold, Silver and Bronze all together in one ride. This was subsequently corrected to give bronze level riders their own ride.
2017-08-19 | Summer’s End Ride | Ride n Tie | 10 Km (6 Miles) |
2017-08-19 | Summer’s End Ride | Set Speed Graded B | 19 Km (12 Miles) |
2017-08-19 | Summer’s End Ride | Ride n Tie | 19 Km (12 Miles) |
2017-08-19 | Summer’s End Ride | Set Speed Placed SG | 40 Km (25 Miles) |
2017-08-19 | Summer’s End Ride | Set Speed Placed B | 40 Km (25 Miles) |
2017-08-20 | Summer’s End Ride | Set Speed Graded B | 19 Km (12 Miles) |
2017-08-20 | Summer’s End Ride | Limited Distance Ride | 40 Km (25 Miles) |
2017-08-20 | Summer’s End Ride | Set Speed Placed B | 40 Km (25 Miles) |
2017-08-20 | Summer’s End Ride | Set Speed Placed SG | 40 Km (25 Miles) |
2017-08-20 | Summer’s End Ride | Endurance | 80 Km (50 Miles) |
2017-08-27 | Spring Fling (in August) | Set Speed Graded B | 29 Km (18 Miles) |
2017-08-27 | Spring Fling (in August) | Set Speed Graded BSG | 40 Km (25 Miles) |
NOTE: Ride Results become official and are not subject to change – Thirty days after they appear in an official OCTRA publication…unless the OCTRA Secretary is notified in writing of an error, or intentional fraud is proven.