2017 Summer’s End and Springfling (in August!) Results.

Results are posted for the 2017 Summer’s End Rides and Sprinfling (in august!) Rides.

NOTE: The original posting for Summer’s End 40 Km Set Speed Placed had Gold, Silver and Bronze all together in one ride. This was subsequently corrected to give bronze level riders their own ride.

NOTE: Ride Results become official and are not subject to change – Thirty days after they appear in an official OCTRA publication…unless the OCTRA Secretary is notified in writing of an error, or intentional fraud is proven.

Proposed Resolutions Posted for Review.

Four resolutions have been posted in the forum for member review and comment.  Three concern our new LD rides; one concerns adding back RnT rides for Top Novice Horse & Rider Team. To review the resolutions you must:

  1. Be a member in good standing
  2. Login to the website
  3. Click on the “Discussion Forums” link at the top of the For Members page
  4. In the Discussion Forum look for Governance -> Resolutions

If you are already logged in, here is the direct link. After reviewing a resolution, if you have a comment, create a topic title and add your comment. You may also comment directly on a topic created by another member.

If you need help creating a new account on the website please contact webmaster@octra.on.ca including your member ID.


Typo or error? Email webmaster
© Ontario Competitive Trail Riding Association 2024