The April 2017 Minutes from the April Board Meeting are now posted.  Please remember this information is for members only (not the general public) so you must sign in to view them.  If you have issues signing in please contact our Webmaster, David Morgan for assistance.

Please note, Committee Reports will now be prepared at year-end only for presentation at the AGM.  If any Committee Chairs wish to have something shared with the membership please contact the Board.  Any members who are interested in volunteering on a Committee or wish information regarding a committee should contact the Committee Chair .

Membership Vote.

An email went out to our mailing list two weeks ago asking for a vote on a Membership Forum as well as assistance on a couple of committees. Response has been limited. Please respond asap. If you did not receive your email, check your spam/junk folder and/or contact Michelle Watling to be added to our list and have the email resent.

Please send your vote to the OCTRA Secretary including your membership # and the last year you renewed. Only current members are eligible to vote.

Please help with communication within OCTRA.

Thank You


After many years in this position, Chrystal Woodhouse, has decided to step down and pass the baton on to someone else. Chrystal hopes to take all the spare time this will free up for her and spend it on horseback.  Of course, Chrystal is staying on as OCTRA’s Education Chair and has big plans in this area for the coming season.  The Board and all of OCTRA would like to take this time to thank Chrystal for all of her amazing contributions over the past years as well as for her ongoing and future efforts on our behalf.  We all look forward to seeing her smiling face and terrific laugh at ride camp throughout the upcoming season.

Please also give a warm welcome and a big thanks to Judy Durst, current Board member and Pulse Editor, for taking up this new challenge.  The Board and OCTRA Ride Managers will enjoy working with Judy in this and future seasons.

Please remember, nothing happens in OCTRA without a volunteer so thanks to all who have done their part now and in the past.  If you are interested in getting involved at any level, please contact the OCTRA President, Sue Downing.

Thanks again Chrystal and see you on trail.


First Ride Free Promotion

OCTRA is proud to announce a new promotion for the upcoming 2017 season.  This promotion will encourage new people to try out our sport and hopefully become new long time participants and members.  Follow the link above to find out all the pertinent information and be sure to share it with friends and to post at barns, tack shops, etc.

Help OCTRA grow as we approach our 50th Anniversary.


OCTRA Endures — 1968 ~ 2018

OCTRA Junior Riders Essay Promotion – Ally James.

Savanah Wilson, OCTRA’s Youth Committee Chair, reached out to our Juniors at the end of last season asking them to submit stories on their experiences from the 2016 season.  Two Juniors answered the call and their stories have been posted to the OCTRA web site.  

Both these Junior Riders will receive a gift certificate for Great Leads ‘n Reins courtesy of OCTRA.  If any Juniors are interested in getting involved with this Committee or would like to submit their 2016 story, please contact the Chair at Savanah Wilson.

Ally James

My name is Ally James.  This past season was my first and what an amazing season it was!

I completed my first 25-mile ride in July at Madawaska and I loved every second of it.  I rode in two more 25-mile rides, completing one, and completed my first 50-mile ride at the Lopin’ Larose.  I have met so many wonderful, welcoming and helpful people who have made me fall in love with this endurance family.

I am so incredibly lucky to be mentored by Lynda Townsend and Wendy MacCoubrey and to have the opportunity to ride Furion.  Although sometimes we have arguments about speed, I love riding him and he is an amazing partner.  I am so grateful for all the time and effort that Lynda has put into helping me and the endless knowledge Lynda and Wendy have passed on to me.  Whether it was forgetting my crewing gear or almost running into a tree, there were lots of mishaps, laughs and stories along the way.

For this coming season, I am hoping to complete more 50-mile rides and to continue riding to gain more mileage and experience.  I also hope to achieve on of my goals and eventually try an FEI 1*.  I can’t wait for another season of miles and smiles!


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