Worker Credit Awards.

The Worker Credit Awards are posted. All awards except High Point Novice Rider/Horse Team are posted. If you will receive an award and plan to attend the Awards Banquet to receive your award in person, but haven’t purchased your banquet ticket yet, here is a special New Years Eve incentive:

The deadline for Early Bird Registration prices has been extended to midnight tonight!!

Everything you need to know including registration and payment methods are on the 2016 AGM page.

See you there.


Saturday, April 8, 2017
9:00 am -7:00 pm.

Registration Deadline:  March 20th, 2017

Dawn and Howard Kadish Farm
19556 Mississauga Rd.
Caledon, Ontario.

Dr. Sarah Tiller and Dr. Bri Henderson, Co-Chairs of the OCTRA Veterinary Committee, are holding a Lay-Judge Clinic to take place Saturday, April 8, 2017, all day 9:00am -7:00pm. There has not been a Lay-Judge clinic for quite a long time. Interested candidates should e-mail Dr. Sarah Tiller [ ] directly for inquiries.

Hot meal and refreshments will be provided.
The fee for all candidates yet to be determined.

OCTRA LAY JUDGE REQUIREMENTS: (Policy Statements – pg. 10)

  1. In order to apply to work towards their Lay Judge status participants must:
    • Have been a member of OCTRA for at least two years
    • Have completed at least two OCTRA sanctioned rides as a rider
    • OCTRA is looking for seasoned OCTRA members to apply as Lay Judges
  2. Qualify to apprentice at OCTRA events:
    • Contact Committee Chair to initiate process
    • Study the OCTRA Rule Book and be familiar with all OCTRA competition rules
    • Attend a Lay Judge Clinic arranged by Committee Chair
    • At end of clinic, write the Lay Judge Exam and pass (with a minimum grade of 80%)
  3. Apprentice at OCTRA sanctioned events for a minimum of:
    • Two Endurance Rides
    • Two CTRs
    • Two Set Speeds (if Set Speed apprenticeship is not part of the Endurance Rides)
    • One Ride ‘n Tie (if available)
  4. During a season where one of the OCTRA disciplines is not available:
    • Participants must apprentice at two each of the available disciplines (excluding Ride ‘n Tie).
    • Participants will be qualified as a Junior Lay Judge in the disciplines successfully apprenticed (if approved by two accredited OCTRA Veterinary Control Judges)
    • The Junior Lay Judge is required to fulfill his/her missing requirements in the next season the “missing” discipline is available.
  5. For final accreditation as a Lay Judge, the approval, in writing, of two OCTRA accredited Veterinary Control Judges must be sent to the Committee Chair (with a copy to the participant).
  6. Upon completion, the successful participants will receive an OCTRA Lay Judge Certificate.
  7. If a participant fulfills all the ride requirements as listed in sections (iii) and (iv) above without receiving the approval of two OCTRA accredited Veterinary Control Judges:
    • The participant will continue apprenticing at OCTRA events as per the vet(s) instructions until they receive the required vet approvals
    • The participant will forgo becoming a Lay Judge if he/she is deemed unsuitable for the position by the Veterinary Committee.

2016 High Point Novice Rider.

The 2016 High Point Novice Rider standings are now posted. This list is in the new display format that will be used for most data in future. Those of you who have logged in to use the new Membership Directory will recognize it. Features of note are:

  • Data stays within the main website wrapper (header, menus, footer);
  • It is searchable…and lightening fast;
  • It is configurable (you can hide or reveal columns);
  • It is downloadable (print, copy, or save in several formats).

Thanks to Julie Phair for her help validating these results. It is the most difficult of all year end results to compile. If you believe we have overlooked someone, despite our best efforts, please email I will be happy to work with you to resolve any discrepancies.

Season’s greetings.



Do not miss out on the great savings for the AGM Banquet and Clinic tickets.  You save $20 per ticket if you purchase either the Banquet ticket OR the Clinic ticket.  You save $40 if you purchase the Banquet/Clinic Package.  Go to 2016 AGM to purchase via Paypal or to find instructions on other payment options.

Our 2016 AGM (February 25 & 26, 2017) includes:

Saturday, February 25th

  • Presentation by Dr. Jacques Morin of Lozana (Omega Balance EQ) – equine oral supplements contribution to the health and performance of horses
  • AGM Meeting Guest Speaker – Nancy Zukewich – yoga and long distance riding
  • AGM Meeting – Election of a new President and one Director (plus of course normal business)
  • Vendors – 18 vendors confirmed
  • Awards Banquet followed by a dance with DJ Carey Walker and cash bar

Sunday, February 26th

  • Clinic Sunday by Stagg Newman – Enduring Partnerships

Support OCTRA, support your AGM and come out and have fun with your OCTRA peers.  Non-members are welcome as this is a perfect opportunity to found out what OCTRA and long distance riding is all about.

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© Ontario Competitive Trail Riding Association 2024