OCTRA is completely run by volunteers.  Getting information out to the public on our various activities is not the responsibility of one individual or committee but of our entire membership.  Therefore, it would be appreciated that if any Ride Manager, Committee Chair, OCTRA member, etc. is interested in having an OCTRA event publicised that they  follow these steps:

1. Be aware of deadlines:

  • OEF Whoa! Newsletter
    This news update is e-mailed to members on the first week in January, April, July and October
    Have articles to PR Chair by beginning of previous month 
  • OCTRA’s The Pulse
    Our newsletter comes out about three times a year – Spring/Summer, Fall, Winter
    Forward articles directly to Pulse Chair and cc PR Chair
  • The Rider Magazine
    There are approximately 6 issues a year.
    Have articles to PR Chair at least one month prior to your event

2. Prepare article:

  • Either prepare the article or create an outline with all the pertinent points
  • If possible, have photograph(s) with photo credit
  • Forward article to PR Chair
  • If only an outline is sent, the Chair will write up the article or have someone else do this.
  • Any articles submitted may be edited
  • Ensure photos have a photo credit/permission or they cannot be used

3. Articles may/can be posted in any of the following

  • Newsletters/Magazines including The Pulse, Whoa!, The Rider, etc.
  • Websites including OCTRA, OEF, Endurance Canada, AHAEC, AERC, etc.
  • Facebook pages including OCTRA, OEF, EC, AERC, etc.
  • Local newspapers (please include name and contact information)


Julie Phair has accepted the challenge of taking on this position for the 2016 AGM (Feb 2017). Deb McBride has kindly agreed to assist her. Julie will also be working with the AGM Committee (Tia Kerst, Sue Downing, Judy Durst, Rose Danko, Rick Burnside, Nancy Beacon, Kelsa Staffa).

Julie asks that those who received perpetual awards this past February to please return them to her by Octoberfest at the latest. Please email her at to make arrangements to collect the award.

Once again, a big thank you to Emily Watson for her past service in this position and also to ALL our volunteers without whom OCTRA would not exist.

OCTRA 50TH ANNIVERSARY …. coming soon.

OCTRA will be celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2018!  The Board is already discussing ideas to make 2018 a true celebration.  If you have ideas or suggestions please contact the Secretary or any Board member – and a big thank you to Colette Hutten for coming up with a great tag-line.



Great Horses from the Past.

Kristen Howard has volunteered to recover some wonderful OCTRA history for the website.  Stall of Fame, and Honour Roll horses are the best of the best.  She’s just finished the first two articles in the series… on Kabar Raftah, and Csardas Tetley.  Great stories… have a look!


Savanah Wilson has taken on the challenge of being OCTRA’s Youth Committee Chair and is in the process of gathering information on OCTRA’s young riders as her first step in this position. OCTRA thanks Savanah for taking on this task and hopes that our members, especially our Juniors, will work with Savanah to make this a success. OCTRA is run solely on the energy of our volunteers. Anyone (Junior, Sponsor, parent, or other members) who has suggestions, questions or would like to help out, please contact Savanah —




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© Ontario Competitive Trail Riding Association 2025