Savanah Wilson has taken on the challenge of being OCTRA’s Youth Committee Chair and is in the process of gathering information on OCTRA’s young riders as her first step in this position. OCTRA thanks Savanah for taking on this task and hopes that our members, especially our Juniors, will work with Savanah to make this a success. OCTRA is run solely on the energy of our volunteers. Anyone (Junior, Sponsor, parent, or other members) who has suggestions, questions or would like to help out, please contact Savanah —





Emily Watson did an amazing job in this position and has left it well organized and ready for the next OCTRA volunteer to step in.  This is an important position and integral to our Annual Awards Dinner as well as OCTRA as a whole.  If you are interested in this position or know someone who could fill this position please contact Doug Price, our President.  More than one person may take on the role as Co-chairs.

Remember that this association is completely run by volunteers.  Step up to the plate and take your turn at bat

Cayuse Canter Ride Results.

The results have been posted from the Cayuse Canter ride. Please check your results carefully and notify one of the the Ride Managers (Bob Coleman, Chrystal Woodhouse) or the Ride Secretary (Michelle Bignell) if you see any errors. After 30 days from the date of publication, the results become final.

Queen’s Bush Training Ride Results.

Results from the Queen’s Bush Training Ride, in Chatsworth, Ontario have been posted. Please let the Ride Manager (Doug Price) know if there are any errors that need to be corrected. The 25 mile Set Speed at this ride was sanctioned as a regular Set Speed. So Year End points were accrued from that distance. All other events at this ride were training events.

Typo or error? Email webmaster
© Ontario Competitive Trail Riding Association 2024